Workplace Wellbeing

Feeling the heat? Read this to beat burnout

Paul Watson


Unmind Product Spotlight: Calendar Reminders


Our brand new handbook is here. Learn what you can do today to protect employees from burnout, and the steps needed to create a workplace culture that prevents it.

In business, the term burnout gets bandied about a lot. And, quite often, wrongly. But, while not everyone who identifies as ‘burned out’ is (in reality, many are just tired), it remains a very real – and dangerous – problem.

Burnout rates in some careers could be as high as 70%. Yet few of us can correctly define it. 

So, what exactly is burnout? Well, we’re glad you asked. Led by expert voices, like Unmind’s psychology team, and Culture Amp’s data scientists, our new handbook draws a line between burnout and the everyday emotions we all feel. 

And that’s not all. Download your free copy and discover:

  • The three signs, four stages and several symptoms that show when someone’s at risk of burnout.
  • How burnout became a growing, and even celebrated, part of workplace culture.
  • Why global trends suggest burnout might soar, post-Covid.
  • The role of managers, and organisations, in fighting burnout culture.
  • What steps staff can take to protect themselves from burnout (hint: it’s more than just sleep, tub soaks and country walks).

Far from being a badge of honour, burnout can wreck workers’ wellbeing, and cost businesses on both a financial and human level. This makes it the duty of employers to act, and fast. 

This handbook will help you take a proactive, targeted approach to protect your workforce. For those ready to lead the way, a better, burnout-free culture is in reach.


For further guidance

To find out more about how Unmind can help drive cultural change within your organisation, book a chat with an Unminder today.