Customer Stories

How Arup’s senior buy-in and internal comms drove a powerful shift in wellbeing culture with Unmind

September 13, 2023

Unmind Product Spotlight: Calendar Reminders


A winning strategy

Arup is a leading sustainable development consultancy with 19,000 employees across 33 countries. In 2021, they partnered with Unmind to deliver a next-level wellbeing strategy that put evidence-based proactive and preventative support first. 

Arup leveraged senior leadership buy-in, impactful internal comms and a network of passionate ambassadors to drive meaningful change in their organisational wellbeing culture.

Powerful storytelling

In 2022, Arup launched an impactful internal comms strategy to battle stigma. The team used multiple touch points to share wellbeing content, aligning it with key moments such as Mental Health Awareness Week or Men’s Mental Health Month to drive engagement.

Passionate ambassadors

Arup also invited employees to share their personal mental health journeys. One employee was Jordan, a Team Coordinator at Arup, who recorded a video to share his own experience with anxiety.

In it, he also spoke about the benefits he found in using Unmind.

“I did a lot of the mindfulness courses to learn how to manage anxiety and screenshot the resources so I can easily go back to them. I love using the sleep stories at night. I also like the Shorts because you can do them anywhere. At the bus stop, walking to work, wherever you need to.” - Jordan, Team Coordinator at Arup

As one of Arup’s passionate Health & Safety Ambassadors, Jordan also supports colleagues who might need additional support with their wellbeing and signposts them to tools that can help, such as Unmind.

For this, he uses Unmind’s ‘Invite a Colleague’ feature to direct his team mates to useful resources.

Change from the top

Arup’s wellbeing strategy was supported at the highest level of the organisation. Mikey Bishop, Wellbeing Coordinator 
at Arup, emphasised the significance of senior leadership buy-in:

"It increased awareness of the wellbeing team’s goals and ensured widespread communication at regional, local, and departmental levels.” - Mikey Bishop, Wellbeing Coordinator

The results

The campaign saw a powerful increase in engagement and adoption of Unmind.

  • 98% increase in sign ups.
  • 56% increase in active users.
  • 53% increase in completions of Unmind's Wellbeing Tracker, our science-backed measure of personal wellbeing that allows users to understand and manage their mental health. 

  • 228% increase in completed Mood Trackers, a feature which enables the team to record their daily emotions and spot trends. 

  • 16% rise in the usage of Shorts, in-the-moment exercises which offer quick wellbeing support.

What's next?

Building on their internal comms strategy, Arup is expanding their team stories to cover topics such as stress, anxiety, and grief.

Mikey explains, “This storytelling element enhances relatability and resonates with employees.”

Arup’s strategy has created a wellbeing culture that feels authentic and championed in organisational values. As Jordan says, “We’re very human here.”