Let’s talk about praise

Steve Peralta

- The ripple effects of kindness
- The power of recognition in the workplace
We all know that receiving praise is a wonderful thing: you feel good about yourself when someone praises you for all your hard work, especially in the workplace.
It doesn’t usually matter where praise comes from – whether it is from a colleague, manager, or team member – it still puts a spring in your step. However, after showing our gratitude, we don’t often think about the impact that giving praise actually has on the giver (I am not alluding to reciprocation here, as the majority of us naturally have a tendency to reciprocate acts of kindness).
The ripple effects of kindness
Recent academic research has shown that those givers of kindness and praise also reap the rewards of these actions. Employees from a beverage company in Madrid took part in a study to investigate the ripple effects of kindness. A group of designated kindness givers was asked to be kind to specific individuals: the receiver group. A control group was also present to isolate the effects of the intervention.
The results show that both intervention groups had increased feelings of autonomy and self-belief – during the intervention, and the givers specifically also felt more competent. But the kicker is in the results (collected a month after the interventions); the givers were still benefiting. A month after they had been kind to others, the group of givers showed more life, job satisfaction, and fewer symptoms of depression. Receivers reported higher happiness in the follow-up but nothing else.
So it appears that although receivers and givers share the short-term benefits of kindness, it is the givers that enjoy the most long-term benefits of kind actions.
The power of recognition in the workplace
This brings us to the significance of praise in a workplace setting. When we acknowledge the efforts of our colleagues, we not only uplift their spirits but also contribute to a positive work environment. This culture of recognition can have profound effects on team dynamics. When employees feel appreciated, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work.
In a world where burnout and stress are all too common, cultivating an environment where praise is freely given can be a game-changer. Think of it as building a feedback loop: the more recognition is shared, the more connected and supported employees feel. This connection can lead to improved collaboration, creativity, and overall job satisfaction.
With this in mind, we are happy to announce the addition of the Praise functionality on Unmind. It paves the way to higher satisfaction and contentment – single out a colleague or group of colleagues for your thanks and bring on the warm-and-fuzzies.
So, what are you waiting for? Make someone’s day and give yourself a boost of happiness too.