Accidental Bosses Roundtable

Zoom Roundtable

Unleashing organisational performance with manager wellbeing training

How to design a gold-standard program for the modern workforce

Some managers inspire us to achieve things we could never have imagined for ourselves. Others make us dread Mondays and look for new roles.

Often what makes the difference between the two is effective, people-centric training. And yet, 82% of new managers are thrust into leadership roles without any formal training – in other words, they’re accidental bosses.

To investigate how to bridge this skills gap, Unmind conducted one of the first randomised controlled trials (the gold standard in scientific research) of online leadership training focused on building confidence, knowledge, and proactive behaviours around mental health.

During this roundtable, we'll discuss:

  • Can you change company culture in an hour? The results of our scientific trials.
  • How to design a wellbeing-first training program that fits seamlessly into hectic work schedules.
  • The role of AI in scalable and effective manager training.
  • How to measure the impact of manager training on organisational performance and wellbeing.
  • How manager training fits into a whole-organisation wellbeing program.


Charlotte Riddle
Charlotte Riddle

Mental Health Tech Expert

Guy Cohen
Guy Cohen

Mental Health Solutions Expert

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