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Impact & Evidence

Our research combines academic, clinical, and industry expertise to make a real impact. We continually evolve our platform and are committed to publishing all research, regardless of the results.

What we do

Developed with our academic partners, the Unmind research roadmap is made up of three distinct strands

Evaluating efficacy

We conduct Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT) of our platform – on the mental health and wellbeing of employees who use it, as well as wider organizational outcomes.


Client Impact & ROI

We partner with international organizations to study the impact of Unmind, ensuring efficacy translates into real-world change and return on investment for our clients.

Impact ROI

Validating measures

Our platform features reliable, credible, and robust measures of mental health and wellbeing. We also think globally – by validating our tools for use across territories.

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95% of mental health apps aren’t backed by credible research

The last decade has seen an explosion in mental health apps. Hundreds of studies show they can have positive effects on health, wellbeing and job performance. And yet, despite such promises, many claims about the benefits of these solutions are untested.

We’re combatting this culture by rigorously evaluating our platform, and ensuring everything 
is grounded in evidence.

Our latest scientific findings

We’re committed to the highest scientific standards. These include pre-registering our studies before we conduct research, and ethical approval that prioritises the wellbeing of our participants.

Unmind Helps People Sleep Longer

Study 1: Sleep & Productivity

We trialed our sleep solutions (Nightwaves & Sleep Tales) with participants experiencing sleep difficulties. Unmind groups experienced greater improvements in sleep quality, positive wellbeing, and productivity, after 4 weeks of using the Shorts, compared to the control group.

16.5% reduction in presenteeism for participants experiencing sleep difficulties, compared to 3% in a control group.

Study 2: Mental Health Leadership Training

Evaluating leadership training for better wellbeing and performance
‍Our RCT of leadership training compared a control (no intervention) to an active group and studied outcomes post-trial and three months later. We found evidence of improved knowledge, confidence, and proactive behaviors for self-care and supporting team mental health.

Study 3: Low mood & performance

Having a positive, sustained impact on wellbeing
Our low mood study compared three Unmind courses to a control group, with each course featuring a different therapeutic approach for symptoms of depression. This found reductions in mental health symptoms and better wellbeing after completing a course, with continued effects at a four week follow-up.

40% of participants reported clinically important improvement in depressive symptoms, compared to just 7.9% in the control group.

Impact & use of three Unmind Series for common mental health problems

This study aimed to evaluate the initial use and impact of three Series featured on the Unmind platform. The three Series evaluated in this study are designed to address stress, anxiety, and resilience, respectively, and draw on evidence-based techniques such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Unmind x University of Sussex

Unmind's research team is dedicated to delivering credible, actionable research to develop effective interventions to support better wellbeing and performance for a global workforce. By partnering with industry, their research fills a critical evidence gap to understand the efficacy of wellbeing solutions in real-world settings.

Jay Brewer
Jay Brewer
Global Health and Wellbeing Chief of Staff to the Chief Health and Wellbeing Officer

Our scientific studies

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JMIR: The impact of Unmind’s manager training on manager knowledge, confidence, stigma, and behaviors
study preview
PLOS One: validating our wellbeing tracker in UK, US & ANZ populations
study preview
Sleep: Feasibility and efficacy of Unmind Shorts to improve sleep
study preview
JMIR FR: Examining the effect of Unmind Courses on depressive symptoms
study preview
JMIR FR: Feasibility and efficacy of Unmind Courses targeting common mental health problems
study preview
JMIR MH: Development and validation of the Unmind wellbeing tracker
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From the Unmind Lab: Our sleep study findings

The proof is in the partnership

Collaborating with top mental health experts, we live our values by contributing to mental health knowledge and supporting academic research

University of Sussex

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University of Cambridge

University of cambridge logo

Economic and Social Research Council

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As an academic collaborator, it is a pleasure to work with Unmind. Unmind are delivering important research, leading with transparency and making a real contribution to the mental health research community.

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Professor Kate Cavanagh
Professor of Clinical Psychology University of Sussex
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