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Change starts with champions

A wellbeing champion is someone who is passionate about mental health. The kind of colleague people turn to when they need to talk. Someone who wants to change their workplace for the better.

And yet too many businesses aren't harnessing them. Too many champions aren't getting the empowerment they need.

Which is why we're giving away our champions training for free. Whether you're an intern or a chief exec, in HR or marketing, you have the power to change things. Let us help you.

Wellbeing champions training

Create a champions network

Want to improve the wellbeing of your workforce? Done right, peer-to-peer programmes have way more power than anything top-down.

Access to our wellbeing champions training gives you:  

  • Access to our wellbeing champions training  
  • A step-by-step guide to recruiting and managing your champions
  • All the materials you need to promote the role
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