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Last updated: 15 June 2022

Peruvian Privacy Addendum V1.0

Introductory Text

If you are using the Unmind platform and live in Peru, then when we collect and use personal information about you, we are subject to the provisions of Law N° 29733, the Personal Data Protection Act and/or its executive regulations, complementary regulations, modifications, replacement legislation and other applicable provisions (hereinafter “The Act”). This means that we are responsible for protecting your personal information in compliance with The Act as well as with our own UK data protection legislation.

Therefore, we ask that you make some time to read the additional information contained in this privacy addendum alongside our Global Privacy Policy so that you understand your rights and choices relating to your personal information as a resident of Peru.

Our legal basis for processing your information

When collecting and processing your information for the purposes identified in our Global Privacy Policy, we do so with your explicit consent. This means that when you go to our sign-up page, we will require you to read our Global Privacy Policy and this addendum before reading our sign-up statement and agreeing to it. 

We will keep a copy of your consent with us for the entirety of the time you have an account with us and for three years from the end of your time with Unmind. This is to ensure that we can provide evidence of your consent for any future legal proceedings.

Can I withdraw my consent?

You can withdraw your consent at any time. All you have to do is let us know by emailing us at privacy@unmind.com. Our Support Team will respond to your as soon as possible and make sure that your account is deleted and that we permanently and irrevocably anonymise your information per the data security, integrity, and retention section of our Global Privacy Policy.

Your rights and choices

  • The right to be informed: We provide you with detailed information about how we process your information in our Global Privacy Policy and in this addendum.
  • Request access to your personal data: You have the right to access your information (if we’re processing it) so that you can check we are processing it in alignment with The Act.
  • Request correction of your personal data: You have the right to ask us to update or correct the personal information. We will respond to your request within ten business days of receipt. It may be extended by another ten business days, where necessary, but don’t worry, we will let you know if this happens. You can exercise this right when your information:
  • It is partially or totally incomplete or inaccurate
  • There is an error or omission 
  • It is no longer necessary or relevant to the purpose for which it has been collected as per our Privacy Policy; or its term established for processing has expired.
  • Request that we delete your data: You can ask us to delete any information we hold about you. You can exercise this right when your information:
  • It is partially or totally incomplete or inaccurate
  • There is an error or omission 
  • It is no longer necessary or relevant to the purpose for which it has been collected as per our Privacy Policy; or its term established for processing has expired.
  • The right to object or opt out: You have the right of object when:
  • There is no law that forces Unmind to carry out the act of data processing objected
  • You have not provided us with consent, or you choose to withdraw it
  • You have a legitimate and grounded reason, due to a specific personal situation
  • The personal data was obtained from public sources and you did not consent to this collection method.
  • Data portability: You have rights to obtain and reuse your personal information for your own purposes across different services. If you ask us for your information in a portable format, then that means we will give it to you in a clear, readable, and intelligible way, without using passwords or codes needed for you to access the information. 
  • You have the right to not be subject to a decision with legal affects based solely on automated processing. This right has some exemptions, but don’t worry, we don’t automatically process information at Unmind anyway!
  • Right of protection: If Unmind reject or fail to comply with one of your rights requests, then you have the right to file a complaint against us to the Peruvian Data Protection Authority. 
  • Right to be compensated: You have the right to be compensated by Unmind if you suffer damages as a result of us not complying with The Act.