NSFW? Part 2: EAPs are broken. ESPs are the future

May 9, 2024

Unmind Product Spotlight: Calendar Reminders


Employee assistance programs (EAPs) are everywhere.

A staple pre-Covid, a trusted ally during, and now near-universal (4 in 5 companies offer EAP access), it is, by far, the most popular workplace wellbeing benefit.

This should be a cause for big celebration. Only there’s one small snag. The current EAP system is flawed by design. And, for employees and employers alike, that sucks.

Under-used, over-sold, with a sky-high bar for entry

For years, the worst-kept secret about EAPs was that barely anyone used them.

Though 1 in 5 people have a mental health problem, EAP usage rarely edges above 5%. This means many workers who live with a mental health issue don’t get the help they need. 

In the past, this might’ve been a source of embarrassment. After all, a service can only help people if people use the service, right? 

Well. Though EAPs often promise ‘24/7, 365 support’ for your staff, the reality can look quite different. In fact, there’s growing evidence to suggest that offering lots and providing little is core to the business model of some EAPs.

The BBC recently investigated the nation’s biggest provider, Health Assured. The exposé showed internal targets meant counselors were only allowed to refer 20% of employees.

"Every time you put someone forward for therapy, you're stepping further and further away from your targets,” said an anonymous whistleblower, “because the target is to put as few people through as possible.”

In the same report, an NHS worker experiencing suicidal thoughts said it took three calls, over six weeks, to be approved for therapy. Before that, one counselor suggested he "go on a date with his wife." 

Shocking, isn’t it?

EAP 2.0: reactive, proactive, sustainable

It’s not all bad news. 

In the UK, EAP usage hit a new high of 12% in 2023. Explaining the spike in demand, experts point to things like cost-of-living pressures and, before that, the pandemic. 

And it’s that second part that could prove key, long-term. Covid-19 dragged mental health conversations squarely into mainstream culture, and helped chip away at lingering stigma. If the world’s workers feel more confident to access wellbeing support, when they need it, that’s a clear positive.

Yet the question remains: does your EAP want to help, and how can you get more staff to use it?

But wait. Before embarking on your own investigative deep dive, think about what the very best version of mental health support looks like.

Is it a reactive service that, by design, can only help 1 in 5 of your staff (i.e. those with a mental illness)? Or is there a way to support all five?

Enter the Employee Sustainability Program (ESP)

Reactive, short-term support only acts as a band-aid – it’s not enough to meet the needs of today’s teams. That’s why, at Unmind, we’ve upgraded the EAP to create the world’s first Employee Sustainability Program (ESP). We set out to fix the old EAP model in five ways: 

  1. Boost accessibility 

Our ESP removes barriers to therapy – no gatekeepers, no waitlists, no justification. Instead of an outdated phone system, employees can book their first session in just four clicks. Our innovative digital tools also fully integrate into your organization’s existing day-to-day systems, providing seamless access to a constant flow of care.

  1. Get personal

Each employee’s mental health journey is unique – and they need care that truly meets them where they are. That’s why we cater to individual employee needs. From on-demand tools and Netflix-level manager training to treatment for a range of mental health issues, our care is completely customized.

  1. Keep it confidential

Employees who are concerned about sharing their private information or having managers see they’ve sought therapy can enjoy greater peace of mind on Unmind’s confidential, self-serve platform. Our completely confidential care, assessments and other secure mental health tools will give them the privacy they deserve. 

  1. Champion diversity 

The choice of practitioners should be as diverse as your people, covering the languages they speak and the timezones they operate. You should also offer evidence-based modalities including counseling, CBT, EMDR, DBT and psychodynamic psychotherapy. Not only does this allow employees to find a therapist they click with, but it also helps build trust and drive impact through cultural understanding. That’s how we’ve designed the ESP. 

  1. Make it measurable 

We’re committed to effective measurement and driving continuous impact. That’s why we use globally recognized and validated clinical outcome measures, alongside business outcome questions, to assess the quality and impact of our care. Our full suite of tools gives you access to targeted health and wellbeing data across your organization, plus actionable insights to drive your wellbeing strategy.

When it comes to the wellbeing of your people, it pays to think long-term. You can read more about our ESP, here

Thanks for reading part 2 of NSFW?. But don’t stop now. Next stop, Part 3: Can you trust your mental health provider?